Sep 27, 2008 · A DWORD is simply a 32 bit integer numerical value. Each registry value is simply a numbered setting. What each number means is controlled by the process that actually cares about the value you're Jul 04, 2011 · Odldy enough, a dword_ptr is not a pointer rather its data. I could use the vb "object" data type except that's supposed to be a slow method. I also don't know enough about the dword_ptr to know if it is strictly set at compile time or if it is estalished at runtime. The definition from ms for a Dword_Ptr is: Definitions for dword were found at Help Advanced Feedback Android iPhone/iPad API Blog Privacy Copyright © 2020 Datamuse reg definition: Reg is a slang term or shortened reference for a regulation or registration. (noun) An example of a reg is how someone would refer to a city sound ordinance; a city government reg. TechTerms - The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. This page contains a technical definition of Word Processor. It explains in computing terminology what Word Processor means and is one of many software terms in the TechTerms dictionary. dwords definition: Noun 1. plural form of dword DWORD translation in Welsh-English dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.

Jul 04, 2011 · Odldy enough, a dword_ptr is not a pointer rather its data. I could use the vb "object" data type except that's supposed to be a slow method. I also don't know enough about the dword_ptr to know if it is strictly set at compile time or if it is estalished at runtime. The definition from ms for a Dword_Ptr is:

reg definition: Reg is a slang term or shortened reference for a regulation or registration. (noun) An example of a reg is how someone would refer to a city sound ordinance; a city government reg. TechTerms - The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. This page contains a technical definition of Word Processor. It explains in computing terminology what Word Processor means and is one of many software terms in the TechTerms dictionary. dwords definition: Noun 1. plural form of dword

Aug 29, 2010 · So the value contained in the DWORD might not be compatible with a WORD register. If you are sure that there is no valuable data above te 16th bit, simply read the lower WORD of trhe DWORD. For examplew, your DWORD is located at MD500; MD500 is composed of MB500, MB501, MB502 and MB503, You can choose to read the value in MW502 or MB500 as 2

Definition of word (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a (1) : a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use DWORD is a typedef for, as you mentioned, 'double word' sized integers. It's a way of sizing them, rather than giving bit numbers.